Notes for WWW release of Arxe floppy sources: This is essentially a dump of my working directory for the floppy FS. The main files that are likely to be of interest are QSrce3 (the Basic assembler version of the original Arxe source), QSrcHack1b (the FS ported to my hardware, with bugs fixed and support for FakeADFS put in), and FSrce (sources for the QuadFSFiler). Developed contains a modified version of the filer to display drive status, which is in an early stage of development. Most of the other Basic files are bits of assembler included by the main modules' assembly. If you want to use this code on an Arxe card, either start with QSrce3 (which should work straight off, although I haven't tested this), or port back QSrcHack1b, which isn't too hard - you just need to replace the podule detection code with that in QSrce3 - although I don't have an Arxe card so can't test this. SuperIOSWI contains details of the SWIs to talk to the SuperIO firmware - you'll have to remove the calls to this and revert to the original scheme. FakeADFS uses a couple of undocumented SWI calls (detailed in the source of QSrcHack1b), which make QuadFS pretend to be ADFS by declaring a module called ADFS which calls QuadFS_DiscOp and QuadFS_MiscOp instead of the ADFS versions. This will probably not work if you have an ADFS-driven hard drive. The undocumented calls are necessary because calling the official QuadFS_Disc/MiscOp calls reenter the FileCore module, which it doesn't like. If you'd like to use this for anything other than personal interest or to get your Arxe card working, I'd be grateful if you could let me know. Most of the code is still copyright Dave Acton, so if you want to make use of it commercially, contact me and I'll pass things on to Dave. If you have any problems, let me know and I'll try to be of help. It's been a while since I worked on this, and didn't write the original source, but I'll try to remember... Theo Markettos 24th June 1999